Sunday, October 4, 2009

It Finally Happened ...

We were able to finally do our embryo transfer on Saturday October 3rd at approximately 1130AM. The procedure took all of 9 minutes but it was such a cool feeling to know there is finally an actual chance that we might be pregnant soon! I must say the traditional way of making babies is way more fun and so much less awkward.  It was strange that 4 other women were involved in the process Saturday morning! LOL. There was 1 ultrasound tech, 1 ultrasound tech in training, 1 fertility doctor and 1 embryologist (embryo doc). So weird.

We ended up transferring 2 embryos much to my surprise because the embryologist recommended it. The fertility doctor was not really happy about that idea ... at all! We should know if it worked after I have a blood test on the morning of October 13th! Keep us in your prayers!   


Krystle said...

I'm so happy I could pee my pants!!!!!!!

Call me the minute you know something!

Catie said...

Tears! Lots of tears! I am very excited for you guys!! I guess no champagne toast for you on Saturday!! YAYAYYAYYYYYY!

Babyquest said...

Thank you both so much!