Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Brakes ...

I am sad to announce that we have had to put the brakes on when it comes to our fertility treatment planned for this summer. I am very sad to post pone having a baby yet AGAIN but we think it is the right thing to do for us. We financially can not actually afford the treatment but might be able to swing it for a few months before I graduate if we move things back a bit. So, instead of having our 1st IVF treatment in August we are going to have it instead in December during the Christmas break. I will be able to start working after graduation and we could be at a bit better place financially. We have also decided that people do "premarital" counseling ... why not "pre-children" counseling? What couple couldn't benefit from improving their communication & conflict resolution skills? :o) I am excited to work on "us" before adding kids to the mix. I am sad to push back having kids but it is a better plan for us. It sucks but that is what we need to do. In the end as long as we end up with healthy children, that's what matters!